Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to fix computer RAM

How to fix computer RAM

Have you ever had a computer die suddenly? Have you ever had a computer that suddenly makes noises "beb" long or short when you first press the power button? At the time windows is booting, suddenly you have a blank computer screen or BSOD? or your computer unexpectedly restarts [...]

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fix the Motherboard.

Fix the Motherboard.

The main board (motherboard) is the circuit board where a variety of interconnected electronic components such as microprocessors and memory (RAM, ROM, BIOS) chip along with other controllers and commonly abbreviated to the word "mobo".The characteristics and how to cope with a damaged [...]

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Computer Repair Procedure

Computer Repair Procedure

This article is a continuation of Being Preparation Computer Maintenance. In many cases computer damage when a computer does not want to flame someone who intends to improve its own computer makes the damage more severe than the damage that already exists. Sertiap repair any computer [...]

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Low-Level Format Hard Disk Tool

Low-Level Format Hard Disk Tool

Low-Level Format Hard Disk Tool is an application that actually does exactly the same as the name suggests. This tool to delete files stored on a specific device forever, which means there is no recovery software can restore your data at all.What is the usefulness of this tool? Delete [...]
Reflow Soldering, How to Fix the Chipset Mainboard

Reflow Soldering, How to Fix the Chipset Mainboard

Reflow soldering is generally used as a way to improve on the mainboard chipset, though not exactly known as a "fix". Reflow soldering is the process used to repair the mainboard chpset either on a laptop or PC. It's actually similar to the conventional re-solder electronic devices [...]