Monday, July 4, 2011

Adsense Can't View on My Blog / Website. Here the solution :

Do you have a same problem with me ? If not, you can out from here and search other topic on google Search Engine. Now, What's the problem here ? My problem is :

1. Adsense ads can't view on my blog/website, because my language not support for andsense.
2. Adsense ads cant'n load or writing debug for our tag in artikel.

What a solution ?
Here, .
1. Go to
2. Log in with your Google account email.
3. Clik on Adsense on the left on the google Connect friend widget.
4. Found size adsense banner for you blog.
5. Get the Code.
6. Copy and Paste on your website.

Note : Don`t use or take place the same code on one page in your website ! Adsense ads can't view if you take place the same code for size adsense banner.

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Adsense Can't View on My Blog / Website. Here the solution :
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