This article is a continuation of Being Preparation Computer Maintenance. In many cases computer damage when a computer does not want to flame someone who intends to improve its own computer makes the damage more severe than the damage that already exists. Sertiap repair any computer device and that there is always a procedure that is often a problem. Prospective technicians look for damage to the memory, for example, in terms of damage to the power supply. This is called fault diagnosis and repair computer errors the procedure. Then if the computer off at all, how repair procedure?
CASE: The computer is completely dead, all indicator lights are lit none. Where is the damage? The first logic is that the computer should have only flame if there is electricity supply.
Procedure 1. Is the electricity in your home do not flame lights off alias? When turning on the computer during the day and the computer will not turn on, do not tamper with the first direct power supply cable. Make sure first that the electricity in your home is not a problem.
Procedure 2. If the above procedure is certainly not a problem then it means the computer will not cause a flame is not because there is no electricity. The next step, which is responsible for electrical wiring and power supply power supply itself. Check the power cord and power supply if need be tested with a multimeter to ensure that the cable is not broken.
Procedure 3. Power supply test. If the power supply cord has been well ascertained, then the next perksa harusdi the power supply itself. Make sure that the power supply is not a problem for example if the cord is attached to the right on the mainboard, not to loose etc.. NOTE: If the power supply fan does not work in regular testing, does not mean that the power supply must be broken. The way to test a complete power supply would I published in a separate article.
Procedure 4. Check the power button on the computer. If it is almost certain power supply is still good, then the next step is to check all the electrical charge of the CPU menylut among others; * Main Power Button (old model). * Power switch ignition power supply (usually the front of the computer). * Power turn on the power strip, surge protector or UPS (if you have one).
Procedure 5. Check the mainboard. If steps 1-4 above do not also solve the problem, then we enter the Mainboard for review. Ensure that all other hardware cable is properly attached to the mainboard, especially from the power supply output cable. If you suspect any, should be lifted first and then installed again convincingly.
Procedure 6. Check the Processor. If you are very sure that the mainboard had no problems and the computer still on strike, the very first next step is to check Processor. In all cases I have found (power supply and the mainboard is still good) the only device that makes the computer does not react at all when the power button is pressed Processor. Other hardware such as memory and often damaged vga does not cause the computer does not react at all. If memory or vga damaged, still no reaction on the computer but not perfect.
Procedure 7. Maiboard damaged. If at point 6 above you are very sure that the processor is still good (of course through test trials) and the computer is also no response then I also gained strongly believe that the mainboard. If this happens then you already know the way out.
Procedure 8. Check the monitor. After passing through the seven stages of the above, had no response and the indicator lights are blazing CPU, power supply fan has gone the way and no view at all it means there are issues surrounding the monitor. Make sure the monitor is connected properly. Make sure the VGA cable to the monitor is still good and installed properly.
Procedure 9. Other damage. After 8 steps above and your computer and operating system are flame normal way then your problem is completed.
NOTE AGAIN: If within the first 8 steps above but computer is not normal flame for example, only a blue screen appears with the words that you do not understand, it means there is other damage, but it is beyond the scope of this article. Our discussion here is on the computer off at all and did not respond to command the power button. Other damage I will discuss on another occasion. problem