Hard disk is one cause of the frequent computer crashes, computer restarts itself and the view is the presence bluescreen problems / damage to the computer hard drive. Damage to the hard drive of which is because these are often turned off the computer without a shutdown due to interference with the alian electrical appliances such as death or sudden occurrence of voltage spikes such as that usually happens when the existence of lightning at a time when it rains. Besides the age factor (lifetime) from the hard drive itself is also a thing that can affect the performance of a disk. On this occasion I will share information about How To Improve Notebook using the command Checkdisk / CHKDSK.EXE.
Best trick for repair your hard drive.
Checkdisk default Windows tool that we can use to test and improve the condition of the hard disk. Running commands on a regular basis Checkdisk is also one way to maintain and improve computer performance. Generally enough to command Checkdisk / CHKDSK is we have to fix keruksakan on the hard drive such as bad sectors, lost clusters, cross-linked files, and directory errors. Checkdisk command can we call / run in 2 ways via Command Promt and through My Computer or Windows Explorer. Best trick for repair your hard drive.
Best trick for repair your hard drive.
Checkdisk default Windows tool that we can use to test and improve the condition of the hard disk. Running commands on a regular basis Checkdisk is also one way to maintain and improve computer performance. Generally enough to command Checkdisk / CHKDSK is we have to fix keruksakan on the hard drive such as bad sectors, lost clusters, cross-linked files, and directory errors. Checkdisk command can we call / run in 2 ways via Command Promt and through My Computer or Windows Explorer. Best trick for repair your hard drive.
1. Running CHKDSK command on the Command Prompt.
At the Command Prompt type the command: CHKDSK D:
This will run a CHKDSK on Drive D in read-only mode.
Type the command: CHKDSK D: / F
The command is used to repair errors without scanning for bad sectors.
Type the command: CHKDSK D: / R
The command is used to repair errors, finding bad sectors and recover data.
2. Running CHKDSK command in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
Open Windows Explorer or My Computer.
Right click on the hard drive which will in-check, click Properties.
Click the Tools tab, Error Checking click on the option Check Now ..
Check Disk option window will appear.
how to repair hard drive
- To run Chkdsk in read-only mode mode, click Start.
- To repair a bad sector error without sanning select Automatically fix file system errors check box, then click Start.
- To repair errors, find the bad sectors and recover data select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, and then click Start.
If the message: Chkdsk can not run Because the volume is in use by another process. May Chkdsk run if this volume is dismounted first. Opened handles ALL TO THIS VOLUME Would THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y / N) . Type Y and Press Enter.
If the message: Chkdsk can not run Because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y / N) Type Y, and ENTER and then restart the computer to run Scandisk. Best trick for repair your hard drive.
To fix the hard drive using a utility Checkdisk / CHKDSK command is there some method we can do, namely:
If the computer can still boot and log into windows then the second way to run CHKDSK.EXE above (via a command prompt or Windows Explorer) we can do.
If the hard drive can not be using that to boot, then we must take the hard drive and install it on another computer, then run the command Checkdisk / CHKDSK.
Using the Windows Setup CD and run the CHKDSK command through the Recovery Console menu ..
Using UBCD4Win CD. I click Start - Programs - Disk Tools - Diagnostic, click the Check Disk.
So how to fix the hard drive using the utility built-in Windows: Checkdisk / CHKDSK.EXE this, and from my own experience has proven quite effective tool to handle broken on the your hard disk. At the next opportunity I will try to review on how to fix the hard drive for bad sectors. Hope can help ...
Best trick for repair your hard drive / hard disk.
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