Thursday, July 28, 2011

How To Avoid The Google Panda

How To Avoid The Google Panda

Google panda is already rampant, google pandas eat anything she likes. Especially blogs that considered spammers, such as blogs AGC. How can we avoid the blog from google panda? I've got some tips that might help you avoid the blog from google panda.
But first, you must also know how to find blogs that hit google panda.

1. Do not use the blog AGC
As we know, the purpose of google panda is to take blogs that are not qualified and just copy and paste like blogs AGC. If you have a Google Adsense account, do not install ads on your blog AGC. Your account will be banned by Google.

2. Try not to write articles that are not qualified.

At least write original content is written according to the standard grammar and useful for visitors. For the article at least a minimum of 400 words in length. Indeed, it seems also to be debated because the algorithm is actually difficult to recognize a quality content or not, but with the amenities block websites especially in Google's Chrome browser where users can block a website, then just your visitors who will make an assessment if it turns out they were disappointed with consider your content or your blog contains content trash.

3. Avoid blogs from the Automatic Content alias Content Farm

Content like this is usually a lot is at an autoblog or blog that uses the script auto-generated content, otherwise known as blogs, AGC, where the content is usually not automatically have Google's quality standards and even tends to deceive the visitor is not relevant because the most severe or no content at all .

4. Avoid the Not Useful Pages Indexed by Google.

If before there was Google's algorithm changes Panda, has a lot of blogs on Google's index pages even better and will help increase traffic, but currently if your blog has a lot of index pages but the page is not quality content articles alias. So should you lose through Google Webmaster and perform optimization on your blog either by using the seo plugin or a robots.txt file

Examples of index pages that are useless and affect the quality of your blog is a tag page, archive page, search page, the page like about me, privacy policy, contact us and the page that is usually created by the plugin WP-PageNavi. This also applies to the pages of AGC.:)

5. Structure and Blog Navigation

Here if you use WordPress, the theme was instrumental in the structure and navigation according to the standard either of heading tags and the HTML structure as a whole and has a navigation layout that allows visitors to explore and spiderbot will improve the quality of your blog.

6. Internal Duplicate Content

Duplicate content occurs will reduce the quality of the blog is due to the content dicopas be raw by other blogs, but the most dangerous is the duplicate content is going on in your own blog. This usually happens with an autoblog where content that is created will be pulled out of our control but did not rule occur in the manual as a blog when you write an article when the article you have written with the title and content of the same content. Internal duplicate content can be overcome by using a plugin called "Delete Duplicate Post" that can be used on autoblog and use the tag canonical URL where plugins are already available at All In One SEO Pack which normally would be used by the WordPress Master.

7. External Link or Outbound Links

External links or links to other websites that are not relevant to your content or site that smells gambling, pornography, spam, phishing, malware will also cause deindex. In addition, the blog for paid reviews or selling links that many links are usually not relevant or have trash content also becomes a major factor deindex Google. As we know, Google hates the practice of selling links either to buy or sell and to avoid it, Google provides a solution NoFollow tag on an external link if it is not qualified or unrelevan with your blog content.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Make Substitution Images in Gallery

Make Substitution Images in Gallery

In the traditional website if we want to change the image we have to jump to another page. Woaaa, Well you may have a portfolio that many in the form of images and you want to show without having to move around the page, you can make it with jQuery as follows:

Black wallpaper. For Example, click Here.

Here is a script that need to make changes to the jQuery image above:

//if you want when you click change to $(".imgthumbs a").click(function(){
$(".imgthumbs a").hover(function(){
var largeImage = $(this).attr("href");
var imgTitle = $(this).attr("title");
$("#largeImages").attr({ src: largeImage, alt: imgTitle });
return false;

The results of the above coding integration with css and html is as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(".imgthumbs a").hover(function(){
var largeImage = $(this).attr("href");
var imgTitle = $(this).attr("title");
$("#largeImages").attr({ src: largeImage, alt: imgTitle });
return false;
<style type="text/css">
h2.imgTitle {
font: bold 190%/100% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
margin: 0 0 .2em;
#largeImages {
border: solid 1px #ccc;
width: 460px;
height: 300px;
padding: 5px;
.imgthumbs img {
border: solid 1px #ccc;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
padding: 4px;
.imgthumbs img:hover { border-color: #FF9900; }
<h2 class="imgTitle">Galeri Portofolioku</h2>
<p><img id="largeImages" src="../images_tutor/tjqai_1.jpg" alt="Large image" /></p>
<p class="imgthumbs">
<a href="images/wall1.jpg" title="Wallpaper Black"><img src="images/thumb_wall1.jpg" /></a>
<a href="images/wall2.jpg" title="Wallpaper Orange"><img src="images/thumb_wall2.jpg" /></a>
<a href="images/wall3.jpg" title="Wallpaper Green"><img src="images/thumb_wall3.jpg" /></a>
<a href="images/wall4.jpg" title="Wallpaper Blue"><img src="images/thumb_wall4.jpg" /></a>

Explanation jQuery code to change the image that I created above is as follows:

  1. $ (". imgthumbs a"). hover (function () {this is for pictures with the class declaration imgthumbs highlighted when the mouse pointer, you can change the hover with a click if you want at the click
  2. largeImage var = $ (this). attr ("href"); is defining largeImage variable with a value in the capture of the href attribute imgthumbs
  3. imgTitle var = $ (this). attr ("title"); is the defining variable imgTitle with values &#8203;&#8203;taken from the title attribute imgthumbs
  4. $ ("# largeImages"). attr ({src: largeImage, alt: imgTitle}); used to replace the image on the appointment id largeImages with predetermined variables (largeImage)
  5. $ (". imgTitle"). html (imgTitle); used to replace the text contained in the class imgTitle with predetermined variables (imgTitle)

Good luck

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Visual Effects Animation Tutorial for Web Designers jQuery - Accordion and Substitution.

Visual Effects Animation Tutorial for Web Designers jQuery - Accordion and Substitution.

This article is a continuation of some tutorials that I post visual effects ever for web designers. Previously we have learned to make the slider, how to remove a div element as well as transition effects on the movement of an HTML element. Now let's learn how to make jQuery accordion and transfer images to the gallery.
Make jQuery Accordion

Indirectly you've probably seen the jQuery accordion applied in many websites, generally jQuery accordion is widely used to shorten the display news / product where we only see rows of headlines or the name of the product only, but when the title / name of the product we highlight later there is an element that contains a summary slide downward. jQuery accordion is very useful to save space page website especially if your site has content very much. I myself never used jQuery accordion on a few projects I'm working, here is an example of an accordion jQuery I made:

Code here !

Below I show the script that need to make jQuery accordion:

$(".news_accordion h3:last").addClass("active");
$(".news_accordion h3:first").addClass("noborder");
$(".news_accordion div:not(:last)").hide();
$(".news_accordion h3").hover(function(){
$(".news_accordion h3").removeClass("active");

Integrate the above coding with css and html below.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(".news_accordion h3:last").addClass("active");
$(".news_accordion h3:first").addClass("noborder");
$(".news_accordion div:not(:last)").hide();
$(".news_accordion h3").hover(function(){
$(".news_accordion h3").removeClass("active");
<style type="text/css">
.news_accordion h3 {
background: #fff url(arrow.gif) no-repeat right -51px;
height: auto;
border-top: thin solid #cccccc;
border-bottom: 0;
border-left: 0;
border-right: 0;
cursor: pointer;
.news_accordion h3.noborder { border-top:none; }
.news_accordion { background-position: right 5px; background-color:#eee;}
.news_accordion div { height:75px; text-align:left; padding:5px 0 0 5px; width:375px; line-height:20px; font-size:12px; color:#555555; }
.news_accordion div a{ color:#000; text-decoration:none; }
.news_accordion div a:hover{ color:#F30; }
.news_accordion img { width:65px; height:65px; overflow:hidden; line-height:80px; }
<div class="news_accordion">
<h3><a href='#'>Title / Produck Name 1</a></h3>
<div>news summary<a href="#">more</a></div>

<h3><a href='#'>Title / Produck Name 2</a></h3>
<div>news summary<a href="#">more</a></div>

<!-- more your category -->

Explanation of jQuery code that I created above is as follows:

  1. The first row is $ (". news_accordion h3: last"). addClass ("active"); is used to add CSS class h3 active on the arrows to change the background position
  2. line to the two $ (". news_accordion h3: first"). addClass ("noborder"); used to eliminate the upper border (class = "noborder")
  3. to the third row $ ('. news_accordion div: not (: last)'). hide (); used to hide the child div of class news_accordion except the last child div: not (: last)
  4. The next row band is used to eliminate all active classes of elements h3, h3 add class active on the highlighted at the same time displaying a div underneath and at the same time hiding the div under h3 others who still perform with slideUp effects (slide up)

Monday, July 11, 2011

The things of Client Needs to Know Before Starting a Project Design

The things of Client Needs to Know Before Starting a Project Design

As a Web designer, of course, every client we have the uniqueness of each. however, there are some important things to be known and understood from the client so that we can produce our best work for them.

Effective website will be made by determining the business needs of clients, of course, requires a designer to truly understand many things about his client's business.

In my article this time we will see some things that should be discussed between designers and clients at the beginning of starting a project so that projects can achieve success. This topic is more emphasis on how to be able to know the business and the needs of our clients on our website, not to the employment contract, payment or deadline of the project design.

1. Purpose Of Business.

Almost every business has a client who runs Vision and Mission. Understanding the basis of why our client's business exists is essential if we want to design a website that truly reflects the business Kilen effective for the visitors.

If we do not understand the basis of our client's business, get answers from your client before starting your project. basic information may be too simple business our clients to be taken into consideration design, but without it, we can project the wrong direction.

2. Product specifications and Client Services.

Once we understand and understand basic business clients, the next important thing to know is what we offer our clients to their customers so that our clients get the income from his business.

Whatever type of website that we will create a good e-commerce or various other websites, it is very important to know what our clients offer to website visitors.

3. Demographics of Clients and Customers Clients.

Discussion of business products and services to our clients will mngarahkan further information about the clients and customers who will use our client's products. An effective website will focus on the user interface, so we as a website designer and so do our clients have to have an accurate picture of who will use the website and who will be interested in the business on offer from the website

Get demographic information about the client's business and its customers as much as possible, such as information about age, sex, occupation, income from the client will actually help us in determining the design style of the website.

4. Corporate Culture

A good website is a website that reflects the business. Thus to be able to create a good website, we must understand the culture of the company.

We can understand the company culture by visiting the company several times and observe if possible, or view the materials existing business such as brochures, business cards or advertisements our clients.

5. The need for location-location should be improved.

If our project is to redesign an existing website, the thing to note is that we are obliged to find out why they want to redesign their website and re-define what they are going to increase from the new design.

Sure it was deposited that you understand what our clients expect from a new website design, so the design of the website that we designed will be able to give satisfaction to our clients.

6. Determining Factors that could make a Fail or Succeed Project

A new design might be able to give satisfaction to our clients, but there are some important factors that determine whether we succeed in what projects to fail. As a designer, of course, important for us to make a good estimate with a design that will be made, we should be able to reflect the client's business and position the areas that allows the visitors in obtaining information company.

A new project is said to succeed if we level our clients increase sales, and increased website traffic or level.

7. Why Clients Choose us to design a website?

With so many freelance designers and consulting firms out there, surely we must know why they chose us. Whatever the reason our clients, we have to understand what is expected of our clients.


Other Article :

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Preventing Fraud on Facebook

The attack phishing (online fraud) with Facebook growing craze. Internet security vendor Kaspersky Lab reveals that the malicious code spread through social networking sites are 10 times more effectively infected, compared with the distribution of malware via email.

"Phishing scam can succeed by pretending to be something that at first appeared legitimate to lure victims. Remain vigilant and do the proper precautions is the key to not get into their trap," said David Emm, a member of Team Global Research and Analysis Kaspersky Lab.

To overcome these phishing attacks, see the tips potent than Kaspersky, who quoted from the official statement on Friday (22/05/2009):

  1. For sites like Facebook, create a bookmark to the login page, or typing the URL directly in the browser address bar.
  2. Do not click on links in email messages.
  3. Only typed confidential data on a secure website.
  4. Check your bank accounts regularly and report anything suspicious to your bank.
  5. Find the giveaway signs of phishing emails: if it is not addressed personally to you, if you are not the only recipient of the email, if there are spelling errors, grammar or bad syntax or other stiffness in the use of language.
  6. Installing software for internet security and still update anti-virus.
  7. Install security patches.
  8. Be wary of email and instant messages are unsolicited.
  9. Be careful when logging the request Administrator rights.
  10. Back up your data.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

CSS Compressor

Compression on the CSS least able to improve the performance of your blog page loading and can also save bandwidth. If we are talking speed problem loading page, CSS Compress it's just one of the "seasonings" alone, there is no way as good as anything other than the optimization of the image size.

CSS Drive - CSS Compressor is a free service that provides three different levels of compression mode is Light, Normal and Compact. Or for those familiar with CSS you should use the Advanced Mode to benefit. How it works, try this CSS compression methods reduce the size by simply removing spaces, newlines, semicolons, and comments are not necessary. It would look cluttered, but useful if the CSS file of your website.

To restore the CSS file that is compressed into the original, you can use CSS Uncompress.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Configuration File ".htaccess"

Configuration File ".htaccess"

Apache web server has some configuration options that are available for server admins. In the space of a few shared hosting, you do not have access to the main Apache configuration, so you're stuck using the default configuration. But you could just replace some default settings to create / modify a file named .htaccess

.htaccess file is a simple ASCII text file that is located in the directory "www", or in a sub directory folder "www". You can create or edit a file in any text editor (Notepad) and then upload it to the directory you want to change the setting. Make sure that the file is uploaded in ASCII format, not BINARY. Make sure the file permissions for the file has been set to "644 (rw-r-r-)". This allows the server to access the file, but prevents the user to access the file from their browser.

The commands in the file ". htaccess" affect the directory it is located and all subdirectories. When you put the file ". htaccess" in the directory "www", then it will affect all of your website.

Almost all commands. Htaccess is designed to be placed in one line. If your text editor to auto-wrap (cut line), then you should disable the functionality. Note also that the command ". Htaccess" is case-sensitive.

Please note, we do not technically support overriding the default setting. The information here might not work. We suggest, first backup the original htaccess file.

Some things you can do with. "Htaccess", including:

1. Customize Error Messages

If you want to change the server's error pages, you can use. Htaccess to define your own messages. This capability is discussed in the Custom Error Message of the manual. Examples of this syntax is:

ErrorDocument 500 / error.html

2. Override SSI Settings

By default, only pages with the extension ". shtml" that could run a "server-side", including the SSI on the server. You can turn it on. Htaccess file.

If you want to change the configuration so that SSI will work with HTML documents, you can create file.htaccess and upload it to the main direkroti www. Add the following lines to the file.

AddType text / html.html
AddHandler server-parsed.html

If you want both.html and.htm to run SSI, create a file ". Htaccess", with the addition of the following lines

AddType text / html.html
AddHandler server-parsed.html
AddHandler server-parsed.htm

That the user can access your site with just a domain name only ( without having to write the file name explicitly (, you must have an index file in the directory www. The name of a file can be used include: index.html, index.htm, index.cgi, index.php, etc.. Make sure that the file named index .*

There are levels in naming them. If you have index.cgi named index.html in your directory, the server will display index.cgi, because. "Cgi" has a higher level than ". Html".

With. "Htaccess", you can define additional index filenames, or change the order of precedence. To define "hoeronymous.html" as an index page, add the following line to file. "Htaccess".

DirectoryIndex hieronymous.html

This will cause the server to look for a file named hieronymous.html. If the server find the file, then the server will display it. But if not, then the server will display an error 404 Missing Page

To change the order of levels, enter a DirectoryIndex command with the names of files in one line. The order determines the order of writing file2 levels, for example:

DirectoryIndex hieronymous.html index.cgi index.php index.html

3. Enable Directory Browsing

For security reasons, we have omitted the default settings that allow directory indexing. This is the option which allows the contents of the directory to be displayed in the browser when the directory does not contain an index page.

For example, if you create an "http call" to a dir like, then the browser will display a list of images in that directory.

If you require this option on a particular directory, you can activate it by adding the following line to the file "htaccess".

Options + Indexes

4. Block Users from Accessing Your Web Site

If you want to block access to some individuals, and you know the IP / domain name that he used, add the following line:

order deny, allow
deny from 123 456 789 000
deny from 456.78.90.
deny from.
allow from all

In the example above, a user with the IP 123 456 789 000 will be blocked. All the users of 456.78.90.000 to 456.78.90.999 would be blocked. And all users connecting from will be blocked. If they try to access your site, it will show a 403 Forbidden error ("You do not have permission to access this site")

5. Redirect Visitors to a New Page or Directory

Suppose you re-create the entire website, to rename pages & directories. Thus, visitors to the old page will get an error 404 File Not Found. These problems can be solved by doing a redirect from old pages to new pages. For example if your old pages was "oldpage.html", and your new page is "newpage.html", so the command is:

Redirect permanent / oldpage.html

If you rename the directory, the command is:

Redirect permanent / olddirectory

Note that the old directory name is written with relative paths, while a new one written with absolute URL.

6. Prevent Hot Linking and Bandwidth Leeching

To prevent others from linking directly to your image directory from their website, use:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER} ^ $
RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER} ^ http:// (www \.)? / .* $ [NC]
RewriteRule \. (gif | jpg) $ - [F]

This will create a directory of images can only be accessed when the user is accessing

If you feel annoyed, you can create an alternative image if your image directory in-links. For example nosteal.gif image that reads: "stealing is Bad ... visit to see the real picture That belongs here." Then use the command:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER} ^ $
RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER} ^ http:// (www \.)? / .* $ [NC]
RewriteRule \. (gif | jpg) $ [R, L]

7. Prevent viewing of. Htaccess or other files

To prevent user access. Htaccess file, type the command:

order allow, deny
deny from all

If you want to prevent access other files, rename the. Htaccess file with another file name.

Hopefully Helpful.


Other Our Article :

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Safe Trading Tips with Internet Banking.

Safe Trading Tips with Internet Banking.

Internet banking is one of the facilities provided by banks to facilitate its customers conduct financial transactions. So without the engine ATM can perform banking transactions such as transferring money, credit purchases, payment of electricity bills, water, telephone and so forth. This may be a new convenience enjoyed by customers who truly literate to advanced electronic technology. But for those in part, this feature is actually troublesome because they are not used to using it.

For those of you who are used to using internet banking, it helps you to be careful when doing virtual world transactions. Due to the easy access to information, software for hacking has bertebarang virtual world. Then how should reduce the negative impact of this incident? The following are tips on securing your internet banking transactions:

Do not do internet banking transactions such as public diarea cafe or wifi hotspots that are accessed a lot of people. Diarea like this, data theft can easily be done with various hacking techniques. And a technique often used is to use a keylogger and steal data passing through the network by posing as a gateway.
Select Bank gives token for internet banking. Here is a bank in Indonesia that I know gives tokens to Internet banking for its customers: BCA, Mandiri, BNI and BRI. By this token, you can reduce the risk of data theft and protect your account from some of the hacking techniques that you can learn hacking in several forums on the Internet.

Use a password that has nothing to do with your basic personal data. Basic data I mean the combination of date of birth, home address, Telphone number or anything else that can be known by someone else easily. As a solution, maybe you can use a combination of numbers that are generated from the number of shoes, pants size, and weight. For example number 42 your shoes, your pants size 31 and weight 65 kg. Then you've got a combination of passwords (423 165) that you can remember and is not easily known by anyone else who likes fun people to break the password.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Adsense Can't View on My Blog / Website. Here the solution :

Adsense Can't View on My Blog / Website. Here the solution :

Do you have a same problem with me ? If not, you can out from here and search other topic on google Search Engine. Now, What's the problem here ? My problem is :

1. Adsense ads can't view on my blog/website, because my language not support for andsense.
2. Adsense ads cant'n load or writing debug for our tag in artikel.

What a solution ?
Here, .
1. Go to
2. Log in with your Google account email.
3. Clik on Adsense on the left on the google Connect friend widget.
4. Found size adsense banner for you blog.
5. Get the Code.
6. Copy and Paste on your website.

Note : Don`t use or take place the same code on one page in your website ! Adsense ads can't view if you take place the same code for size adsense banner.

Make edit profile like facebook with ajax & php.

Well, here I will discuss about it with the makers php and ajax jquery. After touring on google I found a web that discuss this.
Start the first step. In order for these applications can run properly must be first downloaded the jquery file here or here

Create a database first.

other article :


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'users' ( 'user_id' int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'username' varchar(45) NOT NULL, 'password' varchar(45) NOT NULL, 'profile' text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ('user_id') ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ;

then, create a php file to connect to the database.
<? Php $ Host = "localhost"; $ User = "root"; $ Password = ""; $ Dbname = "tutorials"; $ Connect = mysql_connect ($ host, $ user, $ password) or die ("sorry there is nothing wrong to get into the database". mysql_error ()); mysql_select_db ($ dbname, $ connect) or die ("sorry there is nothing wrong to get into the database". mysql_error ()); ?> {Codecitation class = "Brush: xml; Gutter: false;" width = "500px"} create a file called update.php, it will be useful for primary file. <strong> update.php </ strong> {Codecitation class = "Brush: xml; Gutter: false;" width = "500px"} <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title> Facebook profile </ title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"> </ script> <script type="text/javascript"> $ (Document). Ready (function () { / / The edit link $ ('. Edit_link'). Click (function () { $ ('. Text_wrapper'). Hide (); var data =$('. text_wrapper '). html (); $ ('. Edit'). Show (); $ ('. Editbox'). Html (data); $ ('. Editbox'). Focus (); } ); / / Mouseup textarea false $ (". Editbox"). Mouseup (function () { return false } ); / / Edit content textarea $ (". Editbox"). Change (function () { $ ('. Edit'). Hide (); boxval var = $ (". editbox"). val (); var dataString = 'data =' + boxval; $. Ajax ({ typr: "POST", url: "update_profile.php", data: dataString, cache: false, success: function (html) { $ ('. Text_wrapper'). Html (boxval); $ ('. Text_wrapper'). Show (); } }); }); / / Edit text without $ (Document). Mouseup (function () { $ ('. Edit'). Hide (); $ ('. Text_wrapper'). Show (); }); }); </ Script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css.css" /> </ Head> <body> <div class="mainbox"> <a href="#" class="edit_link" title="Edit"> Edit </ a> <! - Shows the profile data from user table -> <? Php include ("db.php"); $ User_id = $ session_id; $ Sql &#8203;&#8203;= mysql_query ("select profile from users WHERE user_id = '1 '"); $ Row = mysql_fetch_array ($ sql); $ Profile = $ row ['profile']; ?> <div class="text_wrapper"> </ div> <div class="edit" style="display:none"> <textarea class="editbox" cols="23" rows="3"> </ textarea> </ div> </ div> </ body> </ html>

then create a file update_profile.php, this serves to action that will happen.


<?php include ("db.php"); if ($_POST['data']) { $data=$_POST['data']; $data= mysql_escape_string($data); $user_id=$session_id; $sql = "update user set profile='$data' where user_id='$user_id'"; mysql_query($sql); } ?>

css file to make it last. Here :

@charset "utf-8"; /* CSS Document */ body{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; } .mainbox{ width:250px; margin:50px; } .text_wrapper { border:1px solid #0099cc; padding:5px; width:187px; } .edit_link { float:right; } .editbox { overflow:hidden; height:61px; border:1px solid #0099cc; width:190px; font-size:12px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding:5px; }

Monday, June 27, 2011

How to Fix Computer Blue Screen

Still on the blue screen ...

blue screen

The blue screen which is annoying or cool the term "Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD)" due to critical error in the Windows Operating System which causes all running applications are forced to be stopped. In this occasion I will share my experiences about some tips on how to fix the computer that has the blue screen, based on the experience I've ever experienced, may be useful.

Tips on how to Fix the Blue Screen of Death on Your Computer:

1. Check the condition of Computers in General

Before doing further troubleshooting, the first step we have to do is check the condition of computers in general, including:

  • Check the cleanliness inside the CPU casing. Clean dust and other impurities could premises brush and vacuum cleaner, if necessary, prepare the electrical contact cleaner to clean the motherboard.
  • Check the cleanliness inside the CPU casing. Clean dust and other impurities could premises brush and vacuum cleaner, if necessary, prepare the electrical contact cleaner to clean the motherboard.
  • Check the temperature of each component such as Power Supply (make sure the fan rotates normally), VGA Card Processor and Heatsink.
  • Make sure that the various components (such as RAM, VGA Card, connector IDE / SATA connector Power Supply, etc.) are installed properly, to make sure they can pull out and put it back.
  • If you recently installed new hardware components (e.g. graphics cards), wrote first unplug the computer and try running times are the causes Bluescreen of the component.

2. Use Mode "Safe Mode"

The next step is to run Windows in Mode "Safe Mode" which is one of the options on the Advanced Boot Options menu of Windows XP by pressing repeatedly the F8 key during startup the system will perform. After Windows successfully get into Safe Mode, do some troubleshooting the following:

  • Clean hard drives of anti virus, mallware & spyware by running a virus scanner program, such as Norman Anti mall ware.
  • Uninstall Driver problem, the way to go to Computer Management window click on Device Manager and look for any sign components that thrill, or driver components are installed or updated recently.
  • If you need to uninstall the old anti virus program installed, if the condition is a normal condition of the computer can be installed again and make sure the database engine is always up-to-date.
  • We can also use the utility "System Restore" to restore the computer settings to an earlier time. I click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Restore.

3. Check the condition of hard-disks

Conditions are bad hard drive can also result in bluescreen, so check the condition of the hard drive by running CHKDSK -command. Run a defragmentation program also hard-disks to ensure hard work optimally.

4. Check Condition of Memory / RAM

Check the condition of Memory / RAM, make sure it is properly installed, and run the program weeks to check the condition of memory such as "Windows Memory Diagnostic".

5. Repair Windows Operating System.

Bluescreen sometimes happens because there are some Windows files are corrupted, to fix the easiest way is to do a Repair on the Windows operating system is your favorite.

6. Use tools to analyze the causes of occurrence of bluescreen.

Look for Dump File on a computer hard drive that had the bluescreen, usually at C: \ WINDOWS \ minidump and copy to your computer and run the application WhoCrashed or BlueScreenView to find the cause of the bluescreen.

Maybe that's some of my tips on how to fix Blue Screen Of Death on the computer. From my experience during this most causes bluescreen is caused by incompatible hardware drivers, antivirus programs are corrupted, the hard drive has bad sectors and windows are corrupted, how about you?

How to Move / Show Details Pane At Top in Windows Vista and 7 Explorer?

How to Move / Show Details Pane At Top in Windows Vista and 7 Explorer?

If you can remember the good old Longhorn days when Windows Vista was under Beta testing, the Details Pane in Windows Explorer used to show at top just below the Command Bar. But in Windows Vista RTM (Final version), the Details Pane was moved to bottom. Same thing applies to Windows 7 as well. There are many people who still want to get the Details Pane at top as shown in our AeroVG theme preview picture:

You can also change the "Details Pane" position from Bottom to Top in Windows Vista and 7 Explorer using following simple steps:
1. We'll have to edit "%windir%\System32\Shell32.dll" file. So first take ownership of this file using following tutorial:
Add Take Ownership Option in File / Folder Context Menu in Windows Vista and 7
2. Now open the file in Resource Hacker.
3. Goto "View -> Find Text" (or press Ctrl + F). It'll open Find box.
4. Now type following String in textbox:
5. Click on "Find Next" button and it'll show the line containing this text. It should be in UIFILE section.
6. You have to just replace "bottom" word with "top".
7. When you have done, click on "Compile Script" button.
8. Now press "F3" key and it'll show the next line containing the same text. Again do the same mentioned in 6th step.
9. Remember! You have to replace "bottom" word with "top" only in following locations (i.e. keys under UIFILE section):
3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21
10. If you also want to show the Details Pane at Top in Browse/Save/Open dialog boxes, then replace "bottom" word with "top" in 27 and 28 keys too.
11. That's it. You have done. Now save the file at some other location, for example in D: drive.
12. Rename original "Shell32.dll" file present in "System32" folder to "shell32_backup.dll".
13. Now copy your new modified "shell32.dll" file to "System32" folder.
14. Restart your system and after restart Windows will start using your new modified file and you'll get details pane at Top.

How to Import (Restore) All Tasks in Bulk Using Task Scheduler in Windows?

How to Import (Restore) All Tasks in Bulk Using Task Scheduler in Windows?

Recently we posted a tutorial about importing and exporting tasks using Task Scheduler in Windows: How to Import / Export (Backup / Restore) Tasks Using Task Scheduler in Windows?
But there is one limitation in importing and exporting tasks using Task Scheduler. You can import/export only a single task at a time. Task Scheduler doesn't allow import/export of tasks in bulk.
So if you have lots of scheduled tasks say 20 in Task Scheduler, you'll need to perform the same step again and again for all 20 tasks.
Wouldn't it be great if you can import and export all tasks in a single step?
Actually you can import (restore) all tasks in bulk using "schtasks" command but there is no way to export all tasks in bulk.
In this tutorial, we'll tell you how to use "schtasks" command to restore all tasks in bulk:
1. First take backup of all tasks using the above mentioned tutorial.
2. Now create a new text file using Notepad and paste following code in it:
@echo off
echo Importing All Tasks
schtasks.exe /create /TN "Task 1 Name" /XML "Full_Path_of_Backup_XML_File"
schtasks.exe /create /TN "Task 2 Name" /XML "Full_Path_of_Backup_XML_File"
schtasks.exe /create /TN "Task 3 Name" /XML "Full_Path_of_Backup_XML_File"
echo Importing Done
3. Replace "Task 1 Name", "Task 2 Name", etc entries with the name of your actual tasks. e.g. "Mother Birthday".
4. Replace "Full_Path_of_Backup_XML_File" with the location where you saved the backup tasks. e.g. "D:\Tasks Backup\Mother Birthday.xml".
5. Save the file with any name but the extension must be .BAT. e.g. you can save the file as "Restore Tasks.Bat". Make sure to use double quotes "" otherwise Notepad will save the file as a text file.
6. That's it. Once you create the file, run it and it'll start restoring all the tasks in Task Scheduler.
Now you'll never need to create all your important tasks each time you install a fresh Windows or work on a new computer. Just import all the tasks on the fly using the above mentioned batch file. ;)
PS: You can use the same Batch file for restoring any number of tasks. Simply add an entry for the desired task mentioning its name and location.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to Fix "HDD Bad Sector / Hardisk Bad Sector"

This article is a continuation of previous article on how to fix computer hard disk. In this article will discuss about how to fix bad sectors affected hard drive. Previous to check the condition of our hard drives can use several application programs like those mentioned in the article on how to check the condition of computer barked.

Article under How to Fix "HDD Bad Sector / Hardisk Bad Sector"

Bad sectors or bad blocks is the term used to refer to the damaged area on the hard disk. Bad Sector on this hard drive in general there are 2 kinds, namely physically bad sectors and bad sectors in the software. Bad sectors are physically occurs because of the hard drive keruksakan at the plate that can occur due to excessive dust disk, hard drive is dropped, exposed to the crunch and so forth. While the bad sector in software may occur when the disk is busy all of a sudden the computer off, for example due to power failure.

There are several application tools that we can use to improve the condition of the hard drive has bad sectors software ririskiky namely:

1. Using HDD Low Level Format Tool
Low level format program is a utility that serves to remove all partitions good information, and information data within the hard drive for bad sectors. After running the low level format the hard disk condition will really clean like the first time. So make sure the data needed previously backed-up first. Seeing functions, then not only used to fix bad sectors, low level format tool we can use to clean up the data that are very personal or confidential permanently.
Using HDD Low Level Format Tool

Here are the steps to use HDD Low Level Format Tool:

1. Download HDD Low Level Format program on
2. Install and run the program HDD Low Level Format tools so that the display appears as below:
- Select the hard drive will be formatted, and then click Continue ..
- Wait until the finish, and normally the process will take a while so take time enough.

In addition to the hard drive (SATA, IDE or SCSI), HDD Low Level Format Tool can also format the flash, Flash cards and the like.

2. Using the Bad Block Recovery Softwares from hard drive vendor

Some disk vendors issue software / diagnostic tool for analysis and hard drive maintenance, including:

1. Fujitsu IDE Low-level Format Utility

Fujitsu IDE Low-level Format Utility
Software to fix bad sectors hard drives from Fujitsu, can be downloaded at:

2. Seagate's Seatools for Windows and Seagate's Seatools for DOS

Article under How to Fix "HDD Bad Sector / Hardisk Bad Sector"

Seagate's Seatools for Windows

Diagnostic Tools from Seagate that can be used to brand the hard drive Seagate, Maxtor or the hard drive from another vendor, can be downloaded at:

3. Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics
Is a tool for maintenance and repair hard drives, specifically for the hard drive from Western Digital you can download at:

Hope helps ..

Article under How to Fix "HDD Bad Sector / Hardisk Bad Sector"

Friday, June 10, 2011

Best trick for repair your hard drive / hard disk.

Hard disk is one cause of the frequent computer crashes, computer restarts itself and the view is the presence bluescreen problems / damage to the computer hard drive. Damage to the hard drive of which is because these are often turned off the computer without a shutdown due to interference with the alian electrical appliances such as death or sudden occurrence of voltage spikes such as that usually happens when the existence of lightning at a time when it rains. Besides the age factor (lifetime) from the hard drive itself is also a thing that can affect the performance of a disk. On this occasion I will share information about How To Improve Notebook using the command Checkdisk / CHKDSK.EXE.

Best trick for repair your hard drive.

Checkdisk default Windows tool that we can use to test and improve the condition of the hard disk. Running commands on a regular basis Checkdisk is also one way to maintain and improve computer performance. Generally enough to command Checkdisk / CHKDSK is we have to fix keruksakan on the hard drive such as bad sectors, lost clusters, cross-linked files, and directory errors. Checkdisk command can we call / run in 2 ways via Command Promt and through My Computer or Windows Explorer. Best trick for repair your hard drive.

1. Running CHKDSK command on the Command Prompt.

At the Command Prompt type the command: CHKDSK D:
This will run a CHKDSK on Drive D in read-only mode.
Type the command: CHKDSK D: / F
The command is used to repair errors without scanning for bad sectors.
Type the command: CHKDSK D: / R
The command is used to repair errors, finding bad sectors and recover data.

2. Running CHKDSK command in My Computer or Windows Explorer.

Open Windows Explorer or My Computer.
Right click on the hard drive which will in-check, click Properties.
Click the Tools tab, Error Checking click on the option Check Now ..
Check Disk option window will appear.

how to repair hard drive
- To run Chkdsk in read-only mode mode, click Start.
- To repair a bad sector error without sanning select Automatically fix file system errors check box, then click Start.
- To repair errors, find the bad sectors and recover data select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, and then click Start.

If the message: Chkdsk can not run Because the volume is in use by another process. May Chkdsk run if this volume is dismounted first. Opened handles ALL TO THIS VOLUME Would THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y / N) . Type Y and Press Enter.
If the message: Chkdsk can not run Because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y / N) Type Y, and ENTER and then restart the computer to run Scandisk. Best trick for repair your hard drive.

To fix the hard drive using a utility Checkdisk / CHKDSK command is there some method we can do, namely:

If the computer can still boot and log into windows then the second way to run CHKDSK.EXE above (via a command prompt or Windows Explorer) we can do.
If the hard drive can not be using that to boot, then we must take the hard drive and install it on another computer, then run the command Checkdisk / CHKDSK.
Using the Windows Setup CD and run the CHKDSK command through the Recovery Console menu ..
Using UBCD4Win CD. I click Start - Programs - Disk Tools - Diagnostic, click the Check Disk.

So how to fix the hard drive using the utility built-in Windows: Checkdisk / CHKDSK.EXE this, and from my own experience has proven quite effective tool to handle broken on the your hard disk. At the next opportunity I will try to review on how to fix the hard drive for bad sectors. Hope can help ...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Print Machinery Digital Printing | ENGINE COMPONENTS

Buying a digital machine plotter or large format digital printers to consider the availability of components (spare parts) supporters, because if we chose one of the blessings that we can not but the hassles that can sometimes make us shell out even more. For that in this post I wanted to share some information a few major components of large format digital printing machines:

The main components of a digital printing machine (digital printer):

1. Printhead . Printhead is the most important component whose task is to spray ink onto the print media. The higher the resolution of the printhead, the better the prints. Currently printhead most common are brand Xaar, Epson, seiko, etc.. China machinery that circulated in Indonesia, mostly using Xaar printheads although lately been a lot of wear seiko (better than Xaar Seiko).

If you want to see the quality of the printhead sprays an actual machine that is easy you just ask the tool to print a 4 color CMYK basis of a full block (do not ask for full color because it will fool you). If the result of a block print 4 colors are nice (give special attention to the color yellow and magenta) in the sense of true yellow yellow (no dark spots), the printhead has a good quality. Xaar printhead far as I can not afford to do this because it will always arise bintik2 black on yellow or magenta color when we print 100%.

So actually it pulled hard to test, if he is a good basic color can be ascertained for the color of the mixture must be good because if basically bad logic where possible he could do a more complicated (really you?!!) Because the seller usually only highlight the color-machine color mix for this is not visible. Oh yes, do not forget to include the depreciation of the printhead into the selling price because the tool is definitely damaged and eventually need replacement because the price is expensive it should be taken into account as well. In addition to not dizzy make sure you have good electrical system as the printheads can also be broken because of the ups and downs of electricity.

2. Cartridge or the ink, the ink component is accommodated. Usually placed on the right or left side of the rear engine. Nothing special about this component unless you need to look at the chip and the material of the cartridge is strong. Once again you need to consider is the chip because it is usually mounted cartridge digital printing press in Indonesia is a bulk ink system, which, if the chip does not match then the engine would be an error. This can happen can be machine (printer) plus HP 500, HP 130 and sidekick-konconya.

3. Mainboard, such as computers, large format printers also have a duty mainboard other tools such as embedded memory that can run the printer so deh. Dizziness if ordered jelasin this component, which is important not to error because the electricity up and down or ketumpahan ink because the price is too exorbitant aja euy. Able to buy motor lo price.

4. Roll of paper (I forget in English Language), which clearly this component is to place the paper or print media that we will if our media in the form of roll. Letaknnya behind the engine and there is usually a motor driving but because in general the materials should be in roll weight rather long when aja nge-print let the motor of the roll of paper is more durable. Kalo is complete in general, every machine has a large format roll 2 pieces of paper in front and behind, for a behind facilitate the entry of paper or media, while the front for easy handling of prints, eg I'll be directly rolled up and not dirty (very appropriate that a workshop is not too large).

5. Heater, from his name would have been able to guess what the function of this component, so its function is for drying after the ink is sprayed into the print media does not dry quickly because if our hands like holding printouts that if by chance there will still wet or even dirty finger sidihk . Also a good heater will help the ink stick to print media with fast and good. Heater is usually installed in the front or at the bottom of the board who skipped the media.

6. Cutter, this component to bypass the media that have been printed if the plotter you do not have this component so just use regular cutter just because in general all the large format has provided a line for cutting material in a straight and easy.

That's roughly a few main components that exist in sebah machine large format printer. The components that we need to know if there is anything we do not bother and do not be surprised by the price. So your large format printer to care well because it will all be much cheaper than the bear damage arising from use of our carelessness. Good luck and do not forget to keep ya-for science ...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Negative Effect of "SEO", for Your Visitors.

SEO? everybody knows that. For those of you who often struggled in making the web and online business also must have known. For the owner of the website, if successfully reached key positions in google, certainly a pleasant thing for him. No matter the information displayed, qualified or not.

Well, if qualified as a seeker of information do we enjoy it. But the problem is when the information you are looking for does not exist.

What are the real "garbage information" that graced the first page google this?
It was easy: advertising, keyword spaming, link the results of "search result not found", copy and paste, etc..

Actually legitimate uses SEO techniques, because there is no banning. The most important thing because, I also do it. But we must also have a responsibility to give visitors "an information" which is really useful.

Well at least can make visitors say, "pretty".

Once an event, some day, I'm looking for information about naruto comics, all of a sudden this eye fixed on the search result on Google. Without waiting for the cue to anyone, directly I do "right click - Open Link in New Tab" .. But Why Web design is not foreign. Apparently I'm open Web is "classified ads website. "
And even more surprised, "Web advertising line " it belongs to my own. I do not stop there. It turns out that writing ads is also my own, knowing no one was willing to advertise, so I advertise on my website sendir own. This really funny to me!

Not to mention I once read an article the same topic "The Influence of SEO".

Long story short, there are several webmasters who are competing furiously to be in prime position google. Keyword that shot quite popular, in the sense that quite a lot of looking. Every day up to 3 times, they check that it is on the first page of google or not. And this lasted for weeks.

I do not care who wins. But his conclusion that they shoot keyword is seen from "https: / / / select / KeywordToolExternal". Just for Adsense or other keyword ads.

Possible keywords will be more popular, not because there are people looking boxed google search, but more due to frequent the webmasters to check their website. This is done for, see if the Web has successfully appeared on the first page of Google or not yet.

So, if there are users of "Google" who want to search with the same keywords with keywords that are used by the webmasters, then, the webmaster of the website which will appear in the top position. It's ironic, if the content of their website was not qualified, it would be very detrimental to visitors.

SEO is good, but it would be great if accompanied by relevant content.

See more topic :

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Google's Newes Algorithm ( New Google's Rating System)

Files under Blogging SEO | Posted by admin

Actually, I'm not a master of SEO, but just trying to share experiences, maybe it's there that know and probably no one knows or nor forrealize. Mid-February, Google does Search Engine Algorithm System Change, better known as Panda Algorithm System. Last week of February yesterday, google raid against sites that contain article "copy paste", autoblog content, as well as spam sites, even content manual website also subject to raids by google.

Algorithm system in google page rank of a site on search engines are now more qualified, a site that presents the content fresh (virgin) is more valued than the sites that have copy and paste content for the results of google indexed, so Google is now going to deindex sites that are not qualified before.

Because google was often received complaints from Internet users, the new algorithm has emerged, particularly complaints from users of Google's Search Engine that finds the same content and only a waste of time for the same content for every search.

Well, I suggest better use original content that is really still a virgin for those of you who want to survive in google search engine. Google is smarter before to tell which content is still a virgin or not.

I'll give characteristics to finding out if your web / blog taxable deindex by google :

  1. Web taxable deindex will be thrown from the first page of google search, automatic trafict reduced dramatically.
  2. Based on the info I have outlined from the forum and masters of seo writing, government sites, education it is likely to be perched on Page One of Google SERP.
  3. Beware of sites that have "auto-content". Do not be too frequent updates on the blog content, which is usually 3-5 articles a day now try only 1 article for two days.
  4. If the first frequent updates then google will like it, but now google will think we are the web "content farm" or rancher content.
  5. If it's in deindex then trafict down, then your website ready to go in the sandbox or worse will be banned.

Well, now I will give tips on how to avoid the curse of the "Panda":

  1. Write your blog content with your own writing style, original, not edit the content of the blogs of others.
  2. Avoid excessive advertising, google web prefer that only contains the product of their own ads (Adsense).
  3. Social Media Sharing, more like google blog content shared on Facebook, twitter and other social media.
  4. Decent into a magazine or print media, Google is more like the original author is really professional
  5. Discard bad content on your web and start writing quality and original content.

Hopefully the explanation above is useful for you ....

Other useful articles :