Monday, July 11, 2011

The things of Client Needs to Know Before Starting a Project Design

As a Web designer, of course, every client we have the uniqueness of each. however, there are some important things to be known and understood from the client so that we can produce our best work for them.

Effective website will be made by determining the business needs of clients, of course, requires a designer to truly understand many things about his client's business.

In my article this time we will see some things that should be discussed between designers and clients at the beginning of starting a project so that projects can achieve success. This topic is more emphasis on how to be able to know the business and the needs of our clients on our website, not to the employment contract, payment or deadline of the project design.

1. Purpose Of Business.

Almost every business has a client who runs Vision and Mission. Understanding the basis of why our client's business exists is essential if we want to design a website that truly reflects the business Kilen effective for the visitors.

If we do not understand the basis of our client's business, get answers from your client before starting your project. basic information may be too simple business our clients to be taken into consideration design, but without it, we can project the wrong direction.

2. Product specifications and Client Services.

Once we understand and understand basic business clients, the next important thing to know is what we offer our clients to their customers so that our clients get the income from his business.

Whatever type of website that we will create a good e-commerce or various other websites, it is very important to know what our clients offer to website visitors.

3. Demographics of Clients and Customers Clients.

Discussion of business products and services to our clients will mngarahkan further information about the clients and customers who will use our client's products. An effective website will focus on the user interface, so we as a website designer and so do our clients have to have an accurate picture of who will use the website and who will be interested in the business on offer from the website

Get demographic information about the client's business and its customers as much as possible, such as information about age, sex, occupation, income from the client will actually help us in determining the design style of the website.

4. Corporate Culture

A good website is a website that reflects the business. Thus to be able to create a good website, we must understand the culture of the company.

We can understand the company culture by visiting the company several times and observe if possible, or view the materials existing business such as brochures, business cards or advertisements our clients.

5. The need for location-location should be improved.

If our project is to redesign an existing website, the thing to note is that we are obliged to find out why they want to redesign their website and re-define what they are going to increase from the new design.

Sure it was deposited that you understand what our clients expect from a new website design, so the design of the website that we designed will be able to give satisfaction to our clients.

6. Determining Factors that could make a Fail or Succeed Project

A new design might be able to give satisfaction to our clients, but there are some important factors that determine whether we succeed in what projects to fail. As a designer, of course, important for us to make a good estimate with a design that will be made, we should be able to reflect the client's business and position the areas that allows the visitors in obtaining information company.

A new project is said to succeed if we level our clients increase sales, and increased website traffic or level.

7. Why Clients Choose us to design a website?

With so many freelance designers and consulting firms out there, surely we must know why they chose us. Whatever the reason our clients, we have to understand what is expected of our clients.


Other Article :

The things of Client Needs to Know Before Starting a Project Design
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