Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reading Income (report) Google Adsense

Your online business beginner who deals with Google adsense? The following nah I try sharing wrote about Google adsense report as a beginner you may like me like confused about how to read the report page from google adsense.

At the time of login in Google Adsense, you will get a report on your income. In the default setting acquisition report today. However, you can also view reports in accordance with the timeframe you selected.

In the report you will find 5 things about your adsense earnings: Page Impressions, Clicks, Page CTR, Page e-CPM, and Earnings. What are the meanings of the five parts of it? continue reading.
Page Impressions
Represents the number of times AdSense ads appear. If a page put 3 adsense ads and visit as many as 10 times, then page impressions is 3 × 10 = 30. So, page impressions differ with page views a website.
Quite simply, this shows how many times the adsense ad is clicked.

Page CTR
Stands for Rage is Click-thru Rate. This means that the percentage of total clicks divided by the number of impressions. For example, if the impression of as many as 1000 while fellow Page CTR by 27 then it is (27 x 100%): 1000 = 2.7%.
Page eCPM
Stands for effective cost per thousand (M = mill = thousand in Latin) or cost per 1000 impressions. The formula used to calculate eCPM is earnings / impressions multiply by 1000. For example, if the money did was $ 1 with 100 impressions then eCPMnya is 1 / 100 x 1000 = $ 10.
Shows how much your income

What is the meaning of any information?

Of course, your Adsense income amount will be determined by the number of people who click on Adsense ads. But make no mistake, when the number of clicks scale approaching the number of impressions then Google will fire your membership from Adsense. Why? Because they will think you do click on your own or other fraudulent means to obtain money through Adsense?

To increase the number of clicks, the number of impressions also need an increase. The trick, of course, with a vigorous campaign. you can learn how to campaign on 9 how to effectively promote your blog.

Do not expect to achieve earnings $ 10 per day if the page impresinya just 100. Unless your site have keyword with high prices or you play dirty hehe.

Now, if the page impressions are still quite high but the income, the clicking is still small, it is necessary to see the page CTRnya. Remember the sense page CTR. If the page CTRnya less than 1%, then the page CTRnya need to be repaired. How to make Adsense ads look as if a portion of the site and its content must also comply with the contents of the site

That's according to what I read. How is your experience?
Reading Income (report) Google Adsense
4/ 5

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